Tags offer a great way to personalize the use of the system and organize your insureds and prospects.

To create and customize your own tags, follow these steps:

1. From your main navigation menu, under "MISCELLANEOUS", click on "Agency Customization" and then click on "Tags."

2. Click on the blue "Add New Category" button (located just below your agency menu) to create a new tag

3. Define a category and its related tags. You can also assign a color for every tag.


4. Don't forget to click on the blue "Update" button to save your new tags

Now you can apply, view, and edit tags on Insureds from the "Insureds" page:

To quickly apply a tag, follow these steps:

1. From the "Insureds" page, click on the blue "Actions" button located next to the Insured's name on the "List of Insureds" and then click on "Apply Tag". Or, you can click on "View" in the right-most column, "Tags".  A pop-up where you can view all applied tags (or assign a new one) will appear.


A tag can also be applied from the Insured's "Details" page under the white "More Actions" button or from the "Other" tab:

Soon, we will expand the list of objects that can be tagged (+ Policies, Opportunities, etc.).

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